
Huayruro Tour Lagunas is an agency located in Lagunas, Yurimaguas to 12 hours by boat and 4 hours slider, closet o one of the access points to the Pacaya Samiria Reserve. Provide guidance and hosting services within the reserve, which organized for over 6 years. It has 22 professional guides, all indigenous. Provide quality service and with great respect to the reserve.

Starting a tour from lagunas is a cheaper alternative from Iquitos and allows you to have direct contat with the population.

Tours and Services

Tours offer flexible minimum 3 – 4 days, where walks are made, are fishing, daily and nocturnal wildlife is observed, learn about medicinal plants, among other activities. All guides are natives. The more days remain one in the deepest reservation may go and will be more likely to see experience oldest forests and observe larger animals.



Pacaya Samiria

National Reserve

Loreto, Perú